Let me start by saying that this is not my story to tell. I do not know this woman or her family, but I feel her story deserves a little more respect than the blog on which I found it. This woman, already a mother of two children, had a miscarriage. She decided to hold her baby and bond with it, as any mother would. Her older children met their younger sibling and essencially said their goodbyes. It may be troubling and it may be disturbing to some, but the fact remains that this is her family and this is how she chose to grieve.
As I said, I do not know this woman. I do not know how far along she was when she lost her baby and I do not know her child's name. But I think her pictures are enough to tell her story and I hope you can take a moment to realize that no matter how you feel about this, she is grieving in her own way. This family deserves some comfort and love while they heal.
Rest in Peace sweet baby
awwww soo tiny,heart goes out to her nd her family
hats off to their courage and love.....
not everyone dares to feel this moment....
i salute the family...
god bless...
this brought tears to my eyes:'(.........
what a brave lady, not many people could of done what she did. am glad baby met his/her family before layed to rest, heart goes out to the family!
u sick fuka dressing up a dead baby ur twisted
that is soo sad it must be hard to let your baby go without saying goodbye it must have taken lots of courage for that family :'(
my heart goes out to this woman i know how it feels to loose a baby before it is born, and i wish too i could of shared at least a moment with mine like this lady and her family. my thoughts are with them through this difficult time. the pain of loosing a child never lessens you just have to learn to live with the pain x
I wish I could have held my baby too, but it may have also made it harder to cope, i was 3 months along, I would be 7 months and 14 days today... Life is never the same after that happens.
for the ones that lose there baby alot do now how it feels i lost mine when i was 16 and it about killed me my heart goes out to her and her family
i miscarried my son at 14 weeks and 2 days and i had to deliver it was the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with and am still dealing with i would have been 15 weeks and 2 days today!!! this is soooo hard and my heart goes out to her family.. and wish i would have held my son now that i look back on it..im so sorry for your lose!!!
I wish I was able to say more of a goodbye to my baby, I was 11wks n 3days along when i had my miscarriage just 2days ago, it hurts n its hard to lose that baby you dream of every night wondering what they will look like who they will be, but its great she had a family there for her in that time. I feel her pain, I believe no women should have to go through that, :(
i was 32 weeks and i hadnt felt my son move all day long, i knew something was wrong. i went to the hospital and they said he was already gone. they induced labor. A woman is built for this production and pain, but to know that you are going though it without the prize at the end, is horrifying and soulbreaking. I held my Kreed skin to skin for as long as i could. He had no siblings to meet but he had alot of family he was introduced to. Those very few moments were the happiest and most heartbreaking moments of my life. I love to know that i am not the only woman who is not afraid to hold and love and show off her child that has passed.I am proud of her and her family. this baby was her child just like Kreed was mine and all babies, alive or not deserve love. AND all mothers deserve those first moments with their beloved child. and if it has not happened to you,you are blessed, but someone who hasnt been through this has NO moral right to make any sort of obscene or spiteful comments.dont speak until you know what you would do...
My child would have been 8 on Dec. 30. That is the birthday of my twin nieces who just turned 9. I was told in 1986 I could not concieve so imagine my joy when at 44 I was told I was pregnant. I was at 14 weeks when I lost my baby and it rocked me to the core. I still grieve and imagine what my child would be like. Every year I buy baby a new ornament for the tree. Nobody knows but me. I had my tubes tied a few months later. I wish I had known it was possible long ago and now I am just to old. I think we don't share out thoughts because it makes others want to try to fix things rather than let us feel,cry or scream out in our pain.
My heart pours for this family. I lost my baby of 16 weeks just two days ago. No one woman should have to deal with this kind of pain. If you have not, you are very lucky.
I admire this woman so much. I recently just had a miscarriage after carrying my child for only a short three months. I was told by doctors at 5 weeks that my baby was perfectly normal and eerything was growing the way it should be. I started bleeding a couple days after and a different doctor told me that my baby hadnt been growing right at all. Miscarriages are hard to deal with and it takes alot of strength and courage to get back up on your feet and try again. We are all strong women. We can do this. One step at a time.....
I lost my first child at 14 weeks and 2 days on the 18 of October 2011 due to PPROM (Preterm Premature Rupture Of Membranes). I was alone in the toilet in the emergancy room at the hospital when it happened and i was absolutley terrified. It was heart breaking when the nurse came back in after it happened and told me my baby was going to be a little boy. I know exactly how this women feels. A miscarriage is the most painful, traumatic thing for any women to go through. And is really difficult to deal with as quite often these no reason why it happens. My heart and love goes out to this women and her family. XXX
I agree. I lost a baby at 10 weeks. There is no closure with miscarriage until you are able to hold a baby in your arms. I finally got some closure in 2008 when my daughter was born. Although, I will never forget my 1st baby, H has helped ease the pain.
My son is 12 years old and had always wanted a little sister. When I finally got pregnant again at 33 I was kinda excited. I miscarriage 3 days before my birthday which was the day before Thanksgiving. My son was so hurt and so was I. I hate when people say "you know things happen for a reason" that's the worst thing that anyone could have told me.
sooo sorry for your loss :( i give my prayers to you and your family (tears).. Keep your head up you could always try again..
So sad to see as a mother I lost a child in I know exactly how it feels to lose one my heart goes out and
how sad. my heart goes out to this family for the loss of a child
I recently lost my little boy at 21 weeks pregnant, I had to deliver him and he was perfect and his 2 big sisters were really looking forward to meeting him, he had major heart abnormalities and the only way i got closure was when i held him in my arms and kissed him goodbye. Having been through 2 miscarriages already at 2 and 3 months i thought i was safe once i got past 12 weeks but I wasn't. It's been 5 weeks now and I have to go on for the sake of my 2 girls, I only have photos for memories now, Baby A gone too soon, gone but never forgotten x
that sick that a person show a dead fetus too their children. you scared them for life idiot. i bet it was a science expirement stinkin heffer
My wife and I just found out she miscarried at 10 weeks....it's such a difficult thing to deal with...I feel for all you mothers who have to go through this experience...but they are little angels being sent to heaven.
Sweet lady and baby. I just miscarried yesterday and was looking for some comfort. I stumbled on your blog and it made me cry. My pregnancy ended very early so my baby I could not find. Your baby was formed enough for you to hold, I feel your pain. I don't know you but I understand your pain.
@ the cruel people who write cruel things...please just stop. Have some compassion for those who have lost their loved ones and don't judge. They honored their baby and they are not sick or strange.
I've lost 2 babies, too early to hold either of them. I visit their graves every year and would have held them if I'd had the opportunity. Our eldest child was badly affected by the 1st miscarriage (standing sadly in the playground) and very angry after the 2nd. My heart goes out to them.
People make me sick that are commenting horrible things, try going through a miscarriage yourself and then we'll see what you have to say about it.
i lost my son at 15 weeks and it was the hardest thing ive ever gone thru and im still dealing with it almost 4 yrs later, my heart goes out to all mothers who have lost a child no matter how far along you were.
i lost one of my twins at 24 weeks pregnant she was tiny but beautiful i was lucky to have got the chance to hold her, her twin sister was born at 29 weeks at shes now a healthy 19lb 15oz. im still not done with grieving even after a year. my heart goes out to this family. <3
I'm sorry this happened :(
i had a miscarriage last year. it was so sad to see it, it was to early to be held in my arms. when i had told my boyfriend that i thought i was pregnant he almost left me. he left me 2 days before my miscarriage... i know how you feel and i feel for you.. i am so sorry u had to go through that. <3
I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I recently had a miscarriage myself and everyone grieves in different ways. There are no words to console a family on the loss of their baby and the potential happiness that baby was going to bring to the family. For myself hopes and expectations of what that child would be are formed at conception so losing your baby at whatever gestation is like ripping a familys world apart. I send my thoughts and respect to anyone who is/has experienced this loss.
I lost two little boys at 13 weeks each last year. The first in April the second in December. I delivered both of them, held them, photographed them and loved them. All of my living children saw them and held them if they wanted to. Obviously people will say horrible things but it doesn't matter. I loved my little boys so much and miss them terribly. I have photographs of them and other blessed babies on my site about miscarriage. God bless this woman for honoring her innocent child and giving her living children a chance for closure and to grieve.
im so sorry for your loss. im only 17 years old and im currntly 24 weeks today. i recently graduated highschool and im goin to college im super excited for my baby to arrive :) i had two misscarraiges before, it was the most painful thing to do. i wish i took pictures of my babies but it was way to hard. i give props to all that had missacrriages because i know first hand how it is.for you to take pictures and give your babies a kiss your are alll very inspirational :) i hope everyone have successful pregnancies <3
thats very sad. i know how she feels. i have had two miscarriages in the last year and its a very hard thing to cope with. i would be 10 weeks and and five days today but my baby was lost at 8 weeks and two days... i miss my child even tho i never got to meet him or her...
That's disgusting. She should have her kids taken for exposing them to that!!
Um why would you show your children that i understand it's a horrible thing and a big loss but why would you scare and scar your children like that
that's just horrible to expose ur children to that. you may loe and have a bond with this child but your children do not!!! infact I think you are a selfish cow!! you have now probally scared your children and made them feel totally sick seeing this alien thing!! you should be ashamed of yourself!
Just miscarried today for the 2nd time. Stumbled on this while just looking for some comfort and stories from women who understand. Best of luck to all of you out there still trying. This is incredibly painful but I'm not giving up. It's so important to grieve in your own way, however that may be, and mourn the loss.
Everyone finds how to uniquely heal if they are lucky, from a huge loss or trauma. The children look well adjusted and probably have a healthy idea about death and loss. The ignorance of a few doesnt take away from that.
As a Muslim, I hope I can provide some comfort to any one out there who has gone through such a stressful time. We believe that all children will be running around in heaven, while the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is sat watching them play.
We are also told in narrations..
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, “By the One in Whose hands is my soul, the miscarried fetus will drag his mother to paradise by his [umbilical] cord if she was patient [with the miscarriage], hoping to be rewarded.”
A companion also once asked another companion, "Two children of mine have passed away. Will you not narrate to us a Hadith (narration) from the Prophet that will comfort us in our loss?” He said, “Yes, their children are the children of Jannah (Paradise) and they will meet their parents and take a hold of their hands as I am taking a hold of the hem of you garment, and the child will not let go until Allah (God) admits them all into Jannah (Paradise).
Another narration..
One of the daughters of the Prophet informed him that her child was dying, so he consoled her by saying, “To Allah (God) belongs whatever He takes and whatever He gives. Everything (in this world) has a limited fixed time with Him. So be patient and (sincerely) seek and hope for reward from Him.”
I hope this provides at least one person some comfort and may your children be in paradise, and be a means of you getting to paradise.
really pulled on my heart strings.. heart goes out to all of you. im sorry you had to go through this. trust me i know how you feel... i will continue to pray
That's not a baby; that's a blood clot.
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